Podcast Production
Podcast Audiences are getting bigger!
Podcast listening in the UK has been increasing year on year. There are more than 23 million listeners to podcasts and two-thirds of adults in the UK listen regularly. 42% listen each month and 30% are weekly listeners. This means nearly half of the UK population have listened to a podcast in the last month!
“Anything but Footy has been a great production partner on the UK Sport podcast. John and Michael have brought their many years of broadcasting experience to Medals and More and been a great help with guests and I with excellent briefs and interviews which they’ve brought together in a professional and polished way. UK Sport required a high end product to match its brand values and Anything but Footy has delivered this each time.”
Dame Katherine Grainger – Chair, UK Sport
From start to finish!
We take on the entire production process for our clients from organising, scripting and briefing, through to remote or in-person recording and post-production where we edit the podcast to make it a compelling and engaging listen as well as delivering the podcast to all the major platforms.